The more you know

From the mind of a parent and birthworker

Laboring on the toilet?

While pregnant myself, one laboring position that I never took seriously was the one where you go into the bathroom and just sit on the toilet.

  • Fact 1: bathrooms are my least favorite room of every home. I can’t even chew gum in a bathroom even if I am just passing through the room for a second.

So when it is a suggested laboring position to add to my laboring toolbox, I instantly write it off.


Sitting on the toilet during labor is a super effective position for a few reasons.

  • Reason 1: When you sit on the toilet you are sitting in a supported squat. During labor we often find ourselves instinctively squatting, and there’s a reason for it! Squats open your pelvis allowing for baby to pass through a bit more easily.

  • Reason 2: Your pelvic floor is generally more relaxed while on the toilet. When you sit on the toilet any other time, you are there to naturally release.

  • Reason 3: Bathrooms are places of privacy and a very primal instinct in birth is to retreat to a safe space. This allows us to escape all the action that can fill a birthing space. Bring in a few pillows and prop them up, you might be able to sneak in a few moments of sleep!

  • Reason 4: Due to all of these benefits listed above, contractions can be very productive when sitting on the toilet, aka Contractions can feel more intense.

So the benefits of laboring on the toilet are:

  • you can feel more safe and relaxed

  • can help with a “sunny side up baby”

  • offers a chance to be alone

  • relaxes the pelvic floor muscles

  • opens up the pelvis

  • encourages nice strong contractions bringing baby down

I know, I know, but it’s the toilet, that’s gross! But when you walk into a birthing space, things that seemed gross to us before no longer seem to matter.

Cassandra VagianosComment