Choose the support package that best fits your needs. Add photography and lactation to your package for the ultimate support experience!
Birth Package
1-3 Prenatal appointments*
Text, call, email support beginning at 38 weeks
Partner support*
In person labor/birth support*
Postpartum visit*
Postpartum planning
*Virtual Support also available
Multiples Package
1-3 Prenatal appointments*
Text, call, email support beginning at 35 weeks.
Partner Support*
In person labor/birth support*
Postpartum Visit*
Feeding/lactating with multiples prep*
Multiples specific emotional support*
Living space prep
Postpartum Planning
Parenting multiples education*
One overnight postpartum visit offered in the event of missed in person support due to premature or emergency births.
*Virtual Support also available.
Lactation support
Prenatal lactation education class
Postpartum lactation visit
Basic troubleshooting assistance
Lactation goal setting
Solution resources
Two months virtual lactation support
Daytime Postpartum package
Text, call, email support
Hourly in person support
Meal prep
Infant laundry, nursery, bottle care
Emotional support
Lactation support
Feeding solutions
Newborn care support
Routine building support
“Witching hour” Postpartum Package
Text, call, email support
“Witching hour” support, with witching hours typically between 5-10pm
Meal prep
Newborn/Sibling care
Feeding Support
Routine Building support
Infant laundry, nursery, bottle care
Sibling support
Doula Sibling support is a great option for homebirths or expected overlapping of childcare and hospital time.
Emotional support for child/children
Defining roles in labor/birth experience
Meal prep
Routine support
Hourly in-person support
Overnight postpartum Package
Text, call, email support
Hourly in person overnight support
Sleep conditioning
Feeding solutions
Feeding support as parents sleep
Emotional support
Photogrpahy Add ON
Adding photos to your labor and birth can be a fabulous way to remember all the highs and lows, first moments, and tiny toes. See Photography page to learn more!
BIRTH- pregnancy, labor and birth support is $2000. Sliding scale fee available for those who qualify. A nonrefundable fee of $500 is due upon signing the contract, and the remainder is due by 36 weeks gestation.
POSTPARTUM- daytime postpartum support is $35 an hour with a 3 hour minimum. A nonrefundable fee of half of agreed upon hours is due upon signing the contract.
OVERNIGHT - overnight postpartum support is $45 an hour.
LACTATION- lactation support $200 for two hour in home visit, $40 for any additional hours
LACTATION ADD ON- add lactation to your birth package for $250
SIBLING- sibling support is $35 an hour for daytime with a four hour minimum. Overnight support is $40 an hour.
MULTIPLES- multiples is $2000. Sliding scale fee available for those who qualify. A nonrefundable fee of $500 is due upon signing the contract, and the remainder is due by 36 weeks gestation.
PHOTOGRAPHY ADD ON- photos of labor and birth are an additional $250