Meet the doula
Cassie Vagianos
Hi, I’m Cassie and I have been where you are SEVEN times. I have experienced birth and postpartum firsthand, and all that comes with it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Homebirth, hospital birth, C-section, VBAC, twins! When I say that I know, I mean I REALLY know how birth can happen. As a doula I provide the same support that I would want for myself; COMPASSION. EMPATHY. RESPECT. ENCOURAGMENT. Birth matters and deserves to be honored as the life changing event that it is. Therefore, I strive to provide everyone with the tools they can use to take back control of this monumental time.
As a homeschooling mother of seven kids, we are always off exploring the world around us. You can often find us hiking in the woods, building forts, learning at museums…or jumping off of stuff. Our biggest homeschool lessons to date were when five of my children supported me during the homebirth of my sixth baby and then again when my six kids watched baby number seven enter the world. I love to knit and craft; My Pinterest Board is overwhelming. My happy place is the beach, and in a perfect world everything I do would be done overlooking some large body of water or with a Miniature Highland cow by my side. I love adventure and learning new things, maybe that’s why I love birth so much!
Cassie getting lots of baby snuggles.
DONA Trained Birth Doula
July 2019
Spinning Babies
January 2020
PAIL Advocate
November 2020
CAPPA Trained Lactation Educator
December 2020
TRUAMA INFORMED; Supporting Survivors in the Perinatal Period
April 2021
Working With Multiples
December 2021