The more you know

From the mind of a parent and birthworker

Prodromal Labor

⭐Prodromal Laor⭐
Commonly known as "false labor", prodromal labor can happen days or even weeks before labor actually begins.
Prodromal labor causes real contractions that tend to come at the same time every day and feel like tightening towards the front of the abdomen. They can take your breath away a bit, last up to a minute, but do not feel very intense.
What is the difference between prodromal labor and true labor?
⭐Contractions during prodromal labor are not strong enough to dilate the cervix.
⭐Contractions during a true labor are felt from the front of the abdomen around to the back, creating a band of pressure.
⭐Contractions from prodromal labor do not change in intensity, while contractions during a true labor increase in intensity.
⭐Prodromal labor stops altogether, while true labor does not.

Prodromal labor can be VERY exhausting both physically and emotionally! So what can you do to stop prodromal labor?!
First, be gentle on yourself! It is so easy to feel defeated and start to believe that your body doesn't know what its doing! Because it does know! This is still work that is being done to prepare for impending labor and birth! The other thing you can do is find a doula who can walk you through various movement routines to try help nudge the body into a true labor, or to help relax the body enough to try to stop prodromal labor altogether!

With my last baby I experienced prodromal labor for two weeks! I passive aggressively starting to knit a baby blanket, convincing myself that I was in a race against baby and I would surely lose and not finish in time. I won. I cried in bed every other day, and the days I wasn't feel utterly defeated I was doing All THE THINGS to get it to stop or begin labor. It can be a very difficult and confusing time, so make sure you have the emotional and physical support you deserve!!!